District 8 Bring Your Dog to Brunch 狗主與毛孩早午餐
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狗主與毛孩共進 District 8早午餐
歡迎單獨一位與愛犬一同參加,與其他愛狗人士結伴認識更多毛孩朋友。District 8是寵物友善的法國餐廳, 位於圓方露天廣場,有露天座位,環境舒適。餐廳將為參加者準備話題卡、小狗餅乾和精美小禮物。
地址: District 8 尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號ELEMENTS圓方金區演薈廣場頂樓R009號舖
時間: 3月1, 16, 23, 30日 , 上午10時
每位$280+10%包早午餐連咖啡及茶 、 狗餅乾、小禮物
Brunch with Your Dog at District 8 & Meet with a new Friend
We warmly welcome you and your furry friend to join us for brunch. Connect with other dog lovers and meet new furry pals. District 8 is a pet-friendly French restaurant located in the open-air plaza of Elements mall, offering outdoor seating and a comfortable environment. The restaurant will prepare conversation cards, dog treats, and delightful gifts for participants.
Please note, the event requires a minimum of 4 guests to proceed, and the restaurant will confirm the event 48 hours in advance.
Venue: Shop R009, R/F, Civic Square, ELEMENTS, 1 Austin Road West, Tsim Sha Tsui
Date: 1, 16, 23, 30 March, 10am
$280 +10% per person including coffee/tea, any brunch items and homemade dog biscuits
For enquiries, please contact us hello@woollypighk.com